
Fundamentals of Computer Science

Computer Memory

Computer memory comes in many different forms, and has evolved over the years in size, capacity and type. 

Computers need memory for two main reasons: 

1. To store their own instructions and

2. To store the user’s information. 

The operating system, or the layout of stuff like icons and settings on your computer, all come from a computer’s memory.  Computers also need memory to store information for you, the user! Important files such as homework assignments or presentations can be stored on a computer. Computers also use a third type of memory for multitasking. For example, if you’re working on an essay, and you haven’t yet saved it, but go open a page on a web browser to do some research, you can still come back to your essay, because it was stored as temporary memory on your computer. 

To store this data, computers use two different types of memory, RAM and Hard Drive memory. RAM stands for Random Access Memory, and is used only while the computer is switched on. To remember all the tabs and programs you have open, the computer needs memory that’s easily and quickly accessible, so that when you change tabs, it smoothly switches. Hard Drive memory is permanent storage. It’s where your essay goes when you save it. RAM is cleared when the computer turns off, but the hard drive keeps its files until you delete them. This is also where the operating system is stored.